Out of office... (sort of)


Do you struggle to disconnect from work while on holiday? Learn how to let go of ‘vacation sabotage’ and get the most from your time off.

Picture this: you’re lying beside the pool, a delicious cocktail within arm’s reach and a tropical breeze gently washing over you. Bliss! It’s so tranquil, and you’ve waited so long for this trip, yet... you can’t help wondering what’s happening in the office right now. How did that difficult client respond to the email you fired off before you left? What’s happening with that project you’re in charge of? Within seconds you’ve picked up your phone and logged into your emails, your holiday vibe melting away faster than the ice in your cocktail.

Welcome to vacation sabotage, a situation where stressed-out workers, used to rushing through life at a hundred miles an hour, find it incredibly challenging to stop and fully enjoy leisure time. You might be physically on holiday but mentally, you’re still at work – which is anything but the purpose of annual leave.

Read the full article here.