If you worry you don't have a 'passion', this advice will change your life


Kids’ lunches made: check. Partner’s birthday dinner booked: check. House vacuumed: check. Cat deflea-d: check. Passion found… what the WHAT?!

Yep, while you were stressing out about your impossibly long to-do list and the wildly disproportionate number of hours in the day, along comes another obligation to somehow shoe-horn in.

Blame Instagram and its slew of cheery quotes beseeching that ‘life is nothing without passion’ and that if you ‘find a job you love you’ll never work a day in your life’.

Look, it sounds lovely and all, but if you don’t have a freakin’ clue what you’re passionate about, it can feel like yet another way you’re failing at life. Not to mention the lack of time to do said finding.

Read more on whimn.com.au.

JournalismTrudie McConnochie