If I could turn back time


A lot of us regret things we’ve done or haven’t done in the past, and experts say that can keep us from enjoying the lives we do have. But when used right, regrets can actually be helpful…

For the most part, you’re happy with your life, but sometimes when the bills pile up you find yourself wishing you’d accepted that well-paid job offer in another city. And while you love your husband, when the two of you are fighting, you can’t help wondering whether life would have been easier if you’d stayed with that sweet boyfriend you had back in your twenties.

Regrets – we’ve all had a few. According to 2011 research, the most common regrets are around relationships, including lost loves and unfulfilled romances, as well as financial decisions, parenting mistakes, missed educational opportunities and family arguments. Another US study found people tend to regret things they didn’t do more than they regret what they did do – even when it turned out badly.

Read the full article here.